About ZorgTTP



All organisations that process privacy-sensitive information in the European Union are subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In the Netherlands the independent Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) strictly monitors the compliance with the regulations. And so they should, as our privacy should be handled with care. It is by no means easy to ensure that your sensitive data is fully protected according to the existing laws and regulations. Fortunately, you are not alone. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a reliable third party by your side, to advise and support you? Please meet ZorgTTP.

Trusted Third Party

ZorgTTP is a so-called ‘Trusted Third Party’; an experienced and straightforward partner offering support with the exchange and sharing of privacy sensitive data. We have the knowledge, experience and competence to process personal data in such a way that it is completely anonymous and ready to be used within all legal boundaries.

ZorgTTP services
ZorgTTP offers a complete range of services in the field of privacy protection of personal data. Our integral services allow us to do and achieve more. ZorgTTP is proud to offer high quality services.

ZorgTTP has been active as a Trusted Third Party (TTP) since 2007 and specializes in supporting organizations in protecting their privacy sensitive information. In doing so ZorgTTP makes research and policymaking possible without compromising the privacy of those involved.

ZorgTTP offers services in the area of pseudonymisation and encryption and also performs data protection impact assessments (DPIA). With its services, ZorgTTP operates in multiple areas of interest, namely healthcare, technology and privacy law and regulations.

ZorgTTP has extensive knowledge and experience with the pseudonymisation of personal data. By means of the ZorgTTP software, it is possible to replace personally identifying information such as name or SSN for a pseudonym in such a way that the same pseudonym is always generated for a specific person. Research is made possible because individuals can be linked in time and place, without having to use the original identifying information.

Specialized and broad experience ZorgTTP
ZorgTTP has established an extensive customer base in the healthcare and government sector. Among our clients are the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports (VWS), the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa), Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), a wide range of municipalities, healthcare institutions, pharmaceutical companies and various academic medical centres.

    Any questions? Please contact us

    Wendbare software-ontwikkeling in de cloud

    Wendbare software-ontwikkeling in de cloud

    ZorgTTP zit niet stil. Recent is de testinfrastructuur uitgebreid met een testomgeving in de cloud. Het is gelukt daar binnen enkele maanden een cloud-based pseudonimisatieplatform (CMT) te bouwen. Daarbij hoort een volledig automatische deployment. Hier zijn we trots...